

Better rates and fewer fees than the average bank.





高息支票 Promo HINT Rate for 12 Months for New Accountholders 标准提示率
Dividend Rate APY Dividend Rate  APY 
余额高达20,000美元 4.88% 5.00% 1.98% 2.00%
结余超过20,000美元 0.10% 5.00% – 2.02%* 0.10% 2.00% – 0.86%**
Non-Qualifying率 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05%

Promo 5 高息支票 (Promo HINT) is a 高息支票 account with blended rate tiers, 这意味着规定的股息率将支付给每一层的余额部分. Tier 1获得促销5.00% fixed Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on balances up to $20,000.00 for the first 12 months from the account opening date. *Tier 2 pays a blended APY ranging from 5.00% to 2.2万美元起计的余额为02%.01 to $50,000.00 and is variable and may change at any time without notice. To earn Tier 1 or Tier 2 dividend rates, 15 qualifying transactions must post per statement cycle on the account. 报表周期包括从上月最后一个营业日到本月最后一个营业日之间的所有交易. Accounts not meeting the qualifying transaction threshold will earn 0.05% APY which is variable and may change at any time. Rates are accurate as of September 1, 2024. On the first day of the month following the account opening anniversary month, Promo 5高息支票(Promo HINT) APY将自动转换为当时的非促销高息支票账户APY, APY是可变的,可以随时更改,恕不另行通知. Current 高息支票 account holders, 优惠四高息支票帐户持有人及任何高息支票帐户于180天内关闭的人士均不符合申请资格. 现有的高息支票帐户不能转换为Promo 5高息支票(Promo HINT)帐户. Limit one Promo 5 高息支票 (Promo HINT) account per person. Other qualifications may apply. Promotional offer may be discontinued at any time. Only the following are qualifying transactions: 借记卡购买,支票,账单支付,ATM取款和ACH取款. 没有其他交易符合条件. At least one account holder must be at least 18 years old. 费用可能会减少收入.

高息支票 Account (Standard HINT) 使用混合利率等级支付股息,这意味着规定的股息率将按每一等级的余额部分支付. The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) for Tier 1 is 2.余额不超过20,000美元.00 and the **Tier 2 APY ranges from 2.00% to 0.2万美元起,86%的利息.01 to $50,000.00. To earn Tier 1 or Tier 2 dividend rates, 15 qualifying transactions must post per statement cycle on the account. 报表周期包括从上月最后一个营业日到本月最后一个营业日之间的所有交易. Accounts not meeting the qualifying transaction threshold will earn 0.05% APY. Rates accurate as of September 1, 2024. All rates are variable 并且可能在不通知的情况下改变 at any time. Only the following are qualifying transactions: 借记卡购买,支票,账单支付,ATM取款和ACH取款. 没有其他交易符合条件. At least one account holder must be at least 18 years old. 费用可能会减少收入.


Member Savings

Member Savings Dividend Rate  APY 
$100.00 - $2,499.99 0.10% 0.10%
$2,500.00 - $49,999.99 0.15% 0.15%
$50,000.00 and Above 0.20% 0.20%

自2024年9月1日起生效的会员储蓄年度百分比收益率(APY) and may change after account opening without notice. 0.余额100美元有10%的年利率.00-$2,499.99; 0.余额2500美元,年利率15%.00-$49,999.99; 0.5万美元余额20%的年利率.00 and Above. Minimum daily balance of $100 required to earn dividends. $5 required minimum balance to open the account. No monthly Maintenance Service Charge. 费用可能会减少收入. 


高收益储蓄 Dividend Rate  APY 
$0.01 - $99.99 0.10% 0.10%
$100.00 - $2,499.99 0.10% 0.10%
$2,500.00 - $9,999.99 0.10% 0.10%
$10,000.00 - 24,999.99 3.92% 4.00%
$25,000.00 - $49,999.99 3.92% 4.00%
$50,000.00 - $99,999.99 3.92% 4.00%
$100,000.00 - $249,999.99 3.92% 4.00%
$250,000.00 and Above 3.92% 4.00%

截至2024年9月20日的年度百分比收益率(APY)准确. 高收益储蓄是一种支付可变股息率的分层储蓄账户, 这种情况随时都可能改变, 根据每日余额对应的分级费率,按您帐户中的全部余额计收. 该帐户只适用于新资金,这些资金是在开立高收益储蓄账户之前90天内未存入元素的资金. Existing Elements members with savings accounts must deposit $25,000.在开立高收益储蓄帐户后的10天内,存入$ 00或以上的新资金. 现有的“元素”成员的储蓄账户合计每日余额为2,500美元.在开户前90天内存入100英镑或更少的存款,不受新存款要求的限制. Additional information for each tier: An APY of 0.10% applies to accounts with balances from $0.00 to $99.99; from $100.00 to $2,499.99; and from $2,500.00 to $9,999.99. An APY of 4.00% applies to accounts with balances from $10,000.00 to $24,999.99; from $25,000.00 to $49,999.99; from $50,000.00 to $99,999.99; from $100,000.00 to $249,999.99; and $250,000.00 and above. At least one account holder must be 18 years of age. Other qualifications may apply. Offer may be discontinued at any time. 费用可能会减少收入.


氦储蓄 Dividend Rate  APY 
$0.01 - $2,499.99 0.10% 0.10%
$2,500.00 - $9,999.99 0.99% 1.00%
$10,000.00 and Above 0.99% 1.00%

氦气节约年度百分比收益(APY)自2024年9月1日起生效, and may change after account opening without notice. $5 required minimum balance to open the account. No monthly Maintenance Service Charge. 费用可能会减少收入. 


隐匿处储蓄 Dividend Rate  APY 
$100 and Above 0.20% 0.20%

从2024年9月1日起生效的年度百分比收益率(APY), and may change after account opening without notice. Minimum daily balance of $100 required to earn dividends. 费用可能会减少收入. No monthly Maintenance Service Charge. No minimum balance requirements apply. 

Grow Account

Grow Account Dividend Rate  APY 
$100.00 and Above 0.49% 0.50%

Grow Account Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of September 1, 2024, and may change after account opening without notice. Minimum daily balance of $100 required to earn dividends. 费用可能会减少收入. At least one account owner must be 18 years of age or older, and one account owner must be below the age of 18.




股票 (Fixed Rate)

Share Certificate (Fixed Rate) Dividend Rate  APY 
6 Month Term 2.44% 2.50%
8 Month Term 4.59% 4.75%
1 Year Term 2.53% 2.60%
13 Month Term 3.87% 4.00%
18 Month Term 3.64% 3.75%
2 Year Term 2.39% 2.45%
3 Year Term 2.49% 2.55%
4 Year Term 2.58% 2.65%
5 Year Term 2.68% 2.75%

截至2024年9月24日生效的股票证书(固定利率)年度百分比收益率(APY) 并且可能在不通知的情况下改变. Minimum deposit of $1,000 to open certificate. 18岁以下的初级会员必须有500美元的最低存款才能开证. Minimum of $500 balance required to earn dividends. Health Savings account funds are not eligible. 费用可能会减少收入. 提前提款的罚款. Elements保留随时修改或终止报价的权利,并保留随时限制证书余额的权利.

弹性税率证书 (Variable Rate)

Flex Rate Certificate (Variable Rate) Dividend Rate  APY 
12 Month Term 5.00% 5.19%
24 Month Term 5.00% 5.19%

自9月19日起生效的弹性利率证书(可变利率)年度百分比收益率(APY), 2024, 并且可能在不通知的情况下改变. 股息率和年利率是根据《哪个赌钱app比较好》公布的当前优惠利率指数减去3的差额计算的.00%. 股息率和年利率是可变的,并将在下一个营业日根据优惠利率指数的变化进行调整. The minimum floor APY for the flex rate certificates is 0.00% and the maximum APY will never be greater than 17.00%. Minimum deposit of $1,000 to open certificate. 18岁以下的初级会员必须有500美元的最低存款才能开证. Minimum of $500 balance required to earn dividends. Health Savings account funds are not eligible. 费用可能会减少收入. 提前提款的罚款. Elements保留随时修改或终止报价的权利,并保留随时限制证书余额的权利.


传统和罗斯个人退休账户 (Fixed Rate)

个人退休帐户(固定利率) Dividend Rate  APY 
6 Month Term 2.44% 2.50%
8 Month Term 4.59% 4.75%
1 Year Term 2.53% 2.60%
13 Month Term 3.87% 4.00%
18 Month Term 3.64% 3.75%
2 Year Term 2.39% 2.45%
3 Year Term 2.49% 2.55%
4 Year Term 2.58% 2.65%
5 Year Term 2.68% 2.75%

IRA Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of September 24, 2024, 并且可能在不通知的情况下改变. Minimum deposit of $1,000 to open IRA. 18岁以下的主要会员必须有500美元的最低存款才能开设个人退休账户. Minimum of $500 balance required to earn dividends. Health Savings account funds are not eligible. 费用可能会减少收入. 提前提款的罚款. Elements保留在任何时候修改或终止报价的权利,并保留在任何时候限制IRA余额的权利.

Traditional and Roth Flex Rate IRAs (Variable Rate)

Flex Rate IRAs (Variable Rate) Dividend Rate  APY 
12 Month Term 5.00% 5.19%
24 Month Term 5.00% 5.19%

自2024年9月19日起生效的弹性利率IRA年度百分比收益率(APY) 并且可能在不通知的情况下改变. 股息率和年利率是根据《哪个赌钱app比较好》公布的当前优惠利率指数减去3的差额计算的.00%. 股息率和年利率是可变的,并将在下一个营业日根据优惠利率指数的变化进行调整. The minimum floor APY for the flex rate certificates is 0.00% and the maximum APY will never be greater than 17.00%. Minimum deposit of $1,000 to open certificate. 18岁以下的初级会员必须有500美元的最低存款才能开证. Minimum of $500 balance required to earn dividends. Health Savings account funds are not eligible. 费用可能会减少收入. 提前提款的罚款. Elements保留随时修改或终止报价的权利,并保留随时限制证书余额的权利.

IRA Savings

IRA Savings Dividend Rate  APY 
All Balances 0.21% 0.21%

IRA Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of September 1, 2024,  and may change without notice. 费用可能会减少收入.



健康储蓄帐户(HSA) Dividend Rate  APY 
$0.01- $2,499.99 0.10% 0.10%
$2,500.00 - $9,999.99 0.30% 0.30%
$10,000.00 - $24,999.99 0.30% 0.30%
$25,000.00 and Above 0.49% 0.50%

健康储蓄账户年百分比收益率(APY)自2024年9月1日起生效, and may change after account opening without notice. An APY of 0.10% applies to accounts with balances from $0.01 to $2,499.99; An APY of 0.30% applies to accounts with balances from $2,500.00 to $9,999.99; and from $10,000.00 to $24,999.99; An APY of 0.49% applies to accounts with balances of $25,000.00 and above. 费用可能会减少收入.




定息按揭购买 Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
30-Year Fixed 6.000% 6.039% -0.375 $1,798.65 360
20-Year Fixed 5.625% 5.676% -0.125 $2,084.90 240
15-Year Fixed 5.250% 5.313% -0.125 $2,411.63 180
10-Year Fixed 5.375% 5.465% 0.000 $3,237.24 120
7-Year Fixed 6.500% 6.627% 0.000 $4,454.83 84
5-Year Fixed 6.500% 6.673% 0.000 $5,869.84 60

Fixed Rates effective as of September 23, 2024.请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on a purchase price of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 25%首付款, 贷款金额为300美元,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电查询其他按揭产品的利率资料.

固定利率抵押贷款 Refinance Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
30-Year Fixed 6.125% 6.164% -0.125 $1,822.83 360
20-Year Fixed 6.000% 6.051% -0.125 $2,149.29 240
15-Year Fixed 5.375% 5.439% 0.000 $2,431.40 180
10-Year Fixed 5.875% 5.966% -0.125 $3,311.81 120
7-Year Fixed 7.000% 7.128% 0.000 $4,527.80 84
5-Year Fixed 7.000% 7.174% 0.000 $5,940.36 60

Fixed Rates effective as of September 23, 2024.请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on a purchase price of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 25%首付款, 贷款金额为300美元,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电查询其他按揭产品的利率资料.


Adjustable Rate Mortgage Purchase Interest Rate  APR  Points  最初的月度 Payment 最大的月度 Payment
5/5 ARM 30年 6.750% 6.183% 0.000
Months 1-60
Months 61-360
7/6 ARM 30年 7.375% 7.819% 0.000
Months 1-84
Months 85-360
5/6 ARM 30年 6.750% 7.668% 0.000
Months 1-60
Months 61-360
3/6 ARM 30年 7.000% 7.949% 0.000
Months 1-36
Months 37-360

可调利率 effective as of September 23, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on a purchase price of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 25%首付款, 贷款金额为300美元,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电了解ARM产品的价格信息,并注明其他条款.

The 5/5 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial five-year period, 你的利率可以每5年增加或减少一次,直到第15年,利率可以根据5年期国债的平均收益率每年增加或减少, 加上边际(2.25%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 7/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前7年的初始利率是固定的(84次付款). After the initial seven-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial seven-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the 30 Day SOFR yield plus our margin (3.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款85-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 3/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前3年的初始利率是固定的(36次付款)。. After the initial three-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial three-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the 30 Day SOFR yield plus our margin (3.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,因此付款37-360的估计月供是基于当前指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 5/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial five-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the 30 Day SOFR yield plus our margin (3.00%)四舍五入到最接近的0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Refinance Interest Rate  APR  Points  最初的月度 Payment 最大的月度 Payment
5/5 ARM 30年 7.250% 6.387% 0.000
Months 1-60
Months 61-360
7/6 ARM 30年 7.875% 8.089% 0.000
Months 1-84
Months 85-360
5/6 ARM 30年 7.250% 7.873% 0.000
Months 1-60
Months 61-360
3/6 ARM 30年 7.500% 8.086% 0.000
Months 1-36
Months 37-360

可调利率 effective as of September 23, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on a purchase price of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 25%首付款, 贷款金额为300美元,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电了解ARM产品的价格信息,并注明其他条款.

The 5/5 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial five-year period, 你的利率可以每5年增加或减少一次,直到第15年,利率可以根据5年期国债的平均收益率每年增加或减少, 加上边际(2.25%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 7/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前7年的初始利率是固定的(84次付款). After the initial seven-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial seven-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the 30 Day SOFR yield plus our margin (3.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款85-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 5/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial five-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the 30 Day SOFR yield plus our margin (3.00%)四舍五入到最接近的0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 3/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前3年的初始利率是固定的(36次付款)。. After the initial three-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial three-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the 30 Day SOFR yield plus our margin (3.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,因此付款37-360的估计月供是基于当前指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

First-Time Homebuyer Mortgages

固定的选择 Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
30-Year Fixed 7.125% 7.162% 0.000 $2,240.11 360
20-Year Fixed 6.875% 6.923% 0.000 $2,552.98 240
15-Year Fixed 6.625% 6.684% 0.000 $2,919.33 180

First Time Homebuyer Rates effective as of September 23, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为95%的借款人,并且是基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on purchase price of $350,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 首付款5%或以上, 贷款金额为332美元,500; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电查询其他按揭产品的利率资料.

可调速率选项 Interest Rate  APR  Points  最初的月度 Payment 最大的月度 Payment
5/5 ARM 30 7.250% 6.383% 0.000
Months 1-60
Months 61-360
7/6 ARM 30 7.625% 7.949% 0.000
Months 1-84
Months 85-360

可调利率 effective as of September 23, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为95%的借款人,并且是基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on a purchase price of $350,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 首付款5%或以上, 贷款金额为332美元,500; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电了解ARM产品的价格信息,并注明其他条款.

The 5/5 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial five-year period, 你的利率可以每5年增加或减少一次,直到第15年,利率可以根据5年期国债的平均收益率每年增加或减少, 加上边际(2.25%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 7/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前7年的初始利率是固定的(84次付款). After the initial seven-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial seven-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the 30 Day SOFR yield plus our margin (3.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款85-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.


固定的选择 Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
30-Year Fixed 6.125% 6.164% -0.125 $1,822.83 360
20-Year Fixed 6.000% 6.051% -0.125 $2,149.29 240
15-Year Fixed 5.375% 5.439% 0.000 $2,431.40 180
10-Year Fixed 5.875% 5.966% -0.125 $3,311.81 120
7-Year Fixed 7.000% 7.128% 0.000 $4,527.80 84
5-Year Fixed 7.000% 7.174% 0.000 $5,940.36 60

Fixed Rates effective as of September 23, 2024.请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on a purchase price of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 25%首付款, 贷款金额为300美元,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电查询其他按揭产品的利率资料.

可调速率选项 Interest Rate  APR  Points  最初的月度 Payment 最大的月度 Payment
5/5 ARM 30年 7.250% 6.387% 0.000
Months 1-60
Months 61-360
7/6 ARM 30年 7.875% 8.089% 0.000
Months 1-84
Months 85-360
5/6 ARM 30年 7.250% 7.873% 0.000
Months 1-60
Months 61-360
3/6 ARM 30年 7.500% 8.086% 0.000
Months 1-36
Months 37-360

可调利率 effective as of September 23, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on a purchase price of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 25%首付款, 贷款金额为300美元,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电了解ARM产品的价格信息,并注明其他条款.

The 5/5 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial five-year period, 你的利率可以每5年增加或减少一次,直到第15年,利率可以根据5年期国债的平均收益率每年增加或减少, 加上边际(2.25%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 7/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前7年的初始利率是固定的(84次付款). After the initial seven-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial seven-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the 30 Day SOFR yield plus our margin (3.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款85-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 5/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前5年的初始利率是固定的(60次付款)。. After the initial five-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial five-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the 30 Day SOFR yield plus our margin (3.00%)四舍五入到最接近的0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,所以估计每月付款61-360是基于当前的指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

The 3/6 ARM product listed above 是一种30年期贷款,前3年的初始利率是固定的(36次付款)。. After the initial three-year period, it is possible that the interest rate, APR, and payment may increase substantially over the remaining term of the loan. After the initial three-year period, 您的利率每六个月可根据银行间一年期美国存款利率的平均水平增减.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the 30 Day SOFR yield plus our margin (3.00%) rounded to the nearest 0.125%. Any change may significantly impact your monthly payment. 未来的指数是未知的,因此付款37-360的估计月供是基于当前指数加上保证金(完全指数率)。.

Jumbo Loans

打电话给1-800-561-9433 土地贷款利率

Single-Close Construction Loans

打电话给1-800-561-9433 for Single-Close Construction Loan Rates

Land Loans

打电话给1-800-561-9433 土地贷款利率

FHA Loans

FHA贷款购买 Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
30-Year Fixed 5.500% 6.249% 0.000 $2,191.67 360
15-Year Fixed 5.250% 5.977% -0.125 $3,102.97 180

FHA Mortgage Rates effective as of September 23, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(apr)适用于信用评分为780或更高和96的借款人.5%的贷款价值比(LTV),并以印第安纳州财产担保的贷款为基础. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV ratio, 还有其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs, and points may vary by property location, loan type, and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. 举例:购买价格为400,000美元,FICO®分数为780或更高,以及3.首付款5%或以上, 贷款金额为386美元,000; FHA mortgage insurance premium is excluded, and they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制.

联邦住房管理局贷款再融资 Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
30-Year Fixed 5.625% 6.376% -0.375 $2,222.03 360
15-Year Fixed 5.250% 5.977% -0.125 $3,102.97 180

FHA Mortgage Rates effective as of September 23, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(apr)适用于信用评分为780或更高和96的借款人.5%的贷款价值比(LTV),并以印第安纳州财产担保的贷款为基础. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. 例如,每月付款基于财产价值为400,000美元,FICO®评分为780或更高,以及3.5%或以上股本, 贷款金额为386美元,000; FHA mortgage insurance premium is excluded, and they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制.

VA Loans

VA贷款购买 Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
30-Year Fixed 5.625% 5.839% 0.000 $2,302.63 360
15-Year Fixed 5.500% 5.861% 0.000 $3,268.33 180

VA Mortgage Rates effective as of September 23, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为100%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on purchase price and base loan amount of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, and 0% or more down payment; VA funding fee is excluded, and they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制.

VA贷款再融资 Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
30-Year Fixed 5.625% 5.840% 0.000 $2,072.36 360
15-Year Fixed 5.750% 6.116% -0.125 $2,989.48 180

VA Mortgage Rates effective as of September 23, 2024. 请注意,这里显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为90%的借款人,并且是基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs and points may vary by property location, loan type and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on property value of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, 10%或更多的股权, 基本贷款额是360美元,000; VA funding fee is excluded, and they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制.

USDA Loans

USDA Loan Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
30-Year Fixed 5.625% 6.100% -0.500 $2,302.63 360

USDA Mortgage Rates effective as of September 23, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(APRs)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为100%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV ratio, 还有其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. Rates, closing costs, and points may vary by property location, loan type, and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example Monthly Payments based on purchase price and base loan amount of $400,000, FICO® score of 780 or greater, and 0% or more down payment; USDA guarantee fee is excluded, and they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. Rates are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制.



Home Equity


房屋净值贷款 Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment
10 Year Fixed 8.590% 8.777% 0.000 $622.00
15 Year Fixed 8.840% 8.977% 0.000 $502.00

Payments shown do not include taxes and insurance premiums. Rates are based on an evaluation of credit history, 综合贷款价值比, loan term, and occupancy, 所以你们的利率可能会有所不同. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rates. Annual Percentage Rates (APR), 9月1日生效, 2024, and example monthly payments are calculated using loan amounts of $50,000, 单户住宅的信用评分为730分或更高,贷款价值比合计为80%,预计成交成本为622美元.10年期债券是100美元,还有502美元.15年的期限是100美元. A loan origination fee of $375 and a title search fee will apply. Additional state or local mortgage fees or taxes may apply. Please consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest. Programs, rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice.


房屋净值信贷额度 6个月贷款利率 6个月的年利率介绍 Interest Rate  APR  Points 
房屋净值信贷额度 5.99% 5.99% 8.00% 8.00% 0.000

Rates are based on an evaluation of credit history, 综合贷款价值比, loan term, and occupancy, 所以你们的利率可能会有所不同. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rates. 期限为25年, 包括10年只付息的提款期和15年本金加利息的还款期, which may increase your monthly payments. The Introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 5.99%只适用于新的房屋净值信贷额度,并且只适用于前六个月. HELOC修改, 使用同一物业的续订和增加不被视为新的,也不符合介绍性费率. To receive the Introductory rate, 至少10美元的奖金,000 must be made within 30 days of account opening. After the introductory rate expires, 余额将根据《哪个赌钱app比较好》公布的优惠利率加上保证金,按可变年利率收取. The APR will never be lower than 3.75%或高于18%. 规定的费率, 截至9月19日, 2024, applies to borrowers with credit scores of 730 or greater, CLTV 80%或更低, and owner-occupied single-family residences. 好的赌博软件推荐将有条件地免除与您的房屋净值信贷额度相关的以下交割费用:洪水认证, title search or title abstract, credit report, 记录的费用, 一个简单的估值. 您可能需要支付其他费用,如税收,以及必要时的评估费. However, 如果您关闭您的房屋净值信贷额度后36个月内,它是开放的, 贵方将被要求按最初豁免的交割费用金额支付提前交割费. These costs vary by state and property type. 好的赌博软件推荐 reserves the right to modify or end this offer at any time. Additional terms and conditions may apply. 须经信贷审批. 好的赌博软件推荐 Membership Required.


家居改善贷款 Interest Rate  APR  Points  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
Unsecured 9.34% 9.34% $523.18 60
担保10年固定 9.09% 9.28% 0.000 $636.00 120
担保15年固定 9.84% 9.98% 0.000 $532.00 180

Unsecured Fixed Rate 家居改善贷款: 年度百分比税率(APR)自2024年9月1日起生效,如有更改,恕不另行通知. Each individual's APR is determined by the applicant's credit history. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rates. APR calculation and example monthly payments based on loan amount of $25,000, FICO® score of 730 or greater, 期限为60个月. 费率包括0.25% reduction for automated payments. Additional conditions may apply. 须经信贷审批. Maximum Loan Amount of $25,000.

Secured Home Improvement Closed-End Loan: 年度百分比税率(APR)自2024年9月1日起生效,如有更改,恕不另行通知. Combined Loan to Value 101% to 133%. Maximum Loan Amount of $250,000. APRs above are calculated using loan amounts of $50,000, 信用评分710分或以上,单户住宅的贷款价值比大于100%. Closing Costs: A loan origination fee of $375 and a title search fee will apply. Additional state or local mortgage fees or taxes may apply. The actual closing costs generally range between $500 to $1,200, depending on the location of the property, the amount of the loan 还有其他因素. 月供示例: Are figured on loan amounts of $50,000 and do not include hazard insurance, property taxes, 或者洪水保险. Your actual payment may be higher. Each individual's APR is determined by the applicant's credit history. Not all applicants will qualify for our displayed lowest rates. 减税: 好的赌博软件推荐 does not offer tax advice. Please consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest. Programs, rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice.



Auto Loan

Auto Loans

Auto Loan Interest Rate  APR  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
2024 and Newer 6.49% 6.88% $716.65 48
2020-2023 6.94% 7.33% $722.93 48
2017-2019 7.69% 8.08% $733.49 48
2016年及以上 11.44% 11.84% $787.66 48

Rates 9月1日生效, 2024, subject to change without notice. 每个人的年度百分比利率(APR)由element的承保标准决定. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rate. A documentary fee of $225 applies to all booked auto loan applications. APR calculation and example monthly payments in 汽车贷款利率表 贷款金额为30,000美元,FICO评分为730或更高,期限为48个月. 费率包括0.25% reduction for Preauthorized Transfer from an Elements checking account. 如果停止预授权转让,费率降低可能会增加. Additional conditions may apply. 须经信贷审批. Payments shown do not include taxes or insurance premiums. Please call for rates for terms other than 48 months.

Boat/RV Loan

Boat Loans

Boat Loan Interest Rate  APR  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
New & Used 2016+ 8.34% 8.51% $372.62 120

Rates effective as of September 1, 2024, and subject to change without notice. 每个人的年度百分比利率(APR)由申请人的信用历史决定. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rates. 所有已预订的船只贷款申请需支付160美元的处理费和65美元的卖方单一利息(VSI)费用. Boats 2016 or newer — APR calculation and example monthly payments based on loan amount of $30,000, FICO® score of 730 or greater, 期限为120个月. 费率包括0.25% reduction for automated payments from an Elements checking account. Additional conditions may apply. 须经信贷审批. Payments shown do not include taxes and insurance premiums.

RV Loans

RV Loan Interest Rate  APR  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
New & Used 2016+ 8.34% 8.51% $372.62 120

Rates effective as of September 1, 2024, and subject to change without notice. 每个人的年度百分比利率(APR)由申请人的信用历史决定. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rates. 160美元的处理费和65美元的供应商单一利益(VSI)费用适用于所有预订的房车贷款申请. 2016年或更新的rv -基于30美元贷款金额的月还款率计算和示例,000, FICO® score of 730 or greater, 期限为120个月. 费率包括0.25% reduction for automated payments from an Elements checking account. Additional conditions may apply. 须经信贷审批. Payments shown do not include taxes and insurance premiums.

摩托车/ ATV贷款

摩托车和ATV Loans

Motorcycle & ATV Loan Interest Rate  APR  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
New & Used 2016+ 8.84% 9.15% $625.54 60

Rates effective as of September 1, 2024and subject to change without notice. 每个人的年度百分比利率(APR)由申请人的信用历史决定. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rates. 所有预订的摩托车及亚视贷款申请须缴交160元的处理费及65元的卖方单一利息(VSI)费用. Motorcycle and ATVs 2016 or newer — APR calculation and example monthly payments based on loan amount of $30,000, FICO® score of 730 or greater, 期限为60个月. 费率包括0.25% reduction for automated payments from an Elements checking account. Additional conditions may apply. 须经信贷审批. Payments shown do not include taxes and insurance premiums. 

Personal Loan


EZ信贷额度 Interest Rate  APR 
EZ信贷额度 11.74% 11.74%

Rates effective as of September 1, 2024, and subject to change without notice. 每个人的年度百分比利率(APR)由申请人的信用历史决定. Not all applicants will qualify for our displayed lowest rates. 须经信贷审批.


信用建立者贷款 Interest Rate  APR 
信用建立者贷款 5.00% 5.00%

Rates effective as of September 1, 2024, and subject to change without notice. 每个人的年度百分比利率(APR)由申请人的信用历史决定. Not all applicants will qualify for our displayed lowest rates. 须经信贷审批.


无担保签字贷款 Interest Rate  APR  Monthly Payment Loan Term (Months)
无担保签字贷款 9.84% 9.84% $252.00 48

Rates effective as of September 1, 2024, and subject to change without notice. 每个人的年度百分比利率(APR)由申请人的信用历史决定. Not all applicants will qualify for our displayed lowest rates. 须经信贷审批.




Credit Cards

Credit Card


签章奖励签证 Purchases & 资产转移
介绍APR为6 Months  0%
Variable APR after 6-Month Intro Period  15.74%
资产转移 Fee  0%

签章奖励签证介绍性年利率,有效期为6个月. 要素金融贷款不符合支付入门余额转账优惠. 须经信贷审批. Additional limitations, terms, and conditions apply. After introductory 在此期间,您的采购和余额转账的标准可变年利率将是15.74% for 签章奖励签证. 9月19日生效, 2024,并将根据《哪个赌钱app比较好》公布的最优惠利率随市场而变化. Elements reserves the right to amend or discontinue offers at any time. Terms & Conditions.


Platinum Visa Purchases & 资产转移
介绍APR为6 Months  0%
Variable APR after 6-Month Intro Period  13.74%
资产转移 Fee  0%

Platinum Visa Introductory APR (Annual Percentage Rate) good for six months. 要素金融贷款不符合支付入门余额转账优惠. 须经信贷审批. Additional limitations, terms, and conditions apply. After introductory 在此期间,您的采购和余额转账的标准可变年利率将是13.白金签证74%. 9月19日生效, 2024,并将根据《哪个赌钱app比较好》公布的最优惠利率随市场而变化. Elements reserves the right to amend or discontinue offers at any time. Terms & Conditions.


现金奖励签证 Purchases & 资产转移
介绍APR为6 Months  0%
Variable APR after 6-Month Intro Period  17.74%
资产转移 Fee  0%

现金奖励签证介绍性年利率,有效期为6个月. 要素金融贷款不符合支付入门余额转账优惠. 须经信贷审批. Additional limitations, terms, and conditions apply. After introductory 在此期间,您的采购和余额转账的标准可变年利率将是17.74%为现金奖励签证. 9月19日生效, 2024,并将根据《哪个赌钱app比较好》公布的最优惠利率随市场而变化. Elements reserves the right to amend or discontinue offers at any time. Terms & Conditions.

Butler University Rewards Visa Cards

Butler University Rewards Visa Purchases & 资产转移
介绍APR为6 Months  0%
Variable APR after 6-Month Intro Period  17.74%
资产转移 Fee  0%

巴特勒大学奖励签证介绍性APR(年度百分比利率),有效期为六个月. 要素金融贷款不符合支付入门余额转账优惠. 须经信贷审批. Additional limitations, terms, and conditions apply. 在介绍期之后,您的购买和余额转账的标准可变年利率将是17.74% for Butler University Rewards Visa. 9月19日生效, 2024,并将根据《哪个赌钱app比较好》公布的最优惠利率随市场而变化. Elements reserves the right to amend or discontinue offers at any time. Terms & Conditions.

Indianapolis Indians 签章奖励Visa卡

Indianapolis Indians 签章奖励签证 Purchases & 资产转移
介绍APR为6 Months  0%
Variable APR after 6-Month Intro Period  15.74%
资产转移 Fee  0%

印第安纳波利斯印第安人签名奖励签证介绍性年利率,有效期为6个月. 要素金融贷款不符合支付入门余额转账优惠. 须经信贷审批. Additional limitations, terms, and conditions apply. 在介绍期之后,您的购买和余额转账的标准可变年利率将是15.74% for 签章奖励签证. 9月19日生效, 2024,并将根据《哪个赌钱app比较好》公布的最优惠利率随市场而变化. Elements reserves the right to amend or discontinue offers at any time. Terms & Conditions.

Riley Children's Foundation Visa Cards

Riley Children's Foundation Visa Purchases & 资产转移
介绍APR为6 Months  0%
Variable APR after 6-Month Intro Period  13.74%
资产转移 Fee  1%

赖利儿童基金会签证介绍性年利率,有效期为6个月. 要素金融贷款不符合支付入门余额转账优惠. 须经信贷审批. Additional limitations, terms, and conditions apply. After introductory 在此期间,您的采购和余额转账的标准可变年利率将是13.74% for Riley Children's Foundation Visa. 9月19日生效, 2024,并将根据《哪个赌钱app比较好》公布的最优惠利率随市场而变化. Elements reserves the right to amend or discontinue offers at any time. Terms & Conditions.


Secured Visa Purchases 资产转移
Variable APR  17.74% 17.74%
资产转移 Fee  3%

APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate. 须经信贷审批. Additional limitations, terms, and conditions apply. 9月19日生效, 2024,并将根据《哪个赌钱app比较好》公布的最优惠利率随市场而变化. Terms & Conditions.





商业保费ket Account

商业保费ket Savings Dividend Rate  APY 
$0.01 - $2,499.99 0.74% 0.75%
$2,500.00 - $9,999.99 0.74% 0.75%
$10,000.00 - $24,999.99 0.74% 0.75%
$25,000.00 - $49,999.99 1.49% 1.50%
$50,000.00 - $99,999.99 1.98% 2.00%
$100,000.00 - $249,999.99 2.71% 2.75%
$250,000.00 and Above 3.20% 3.25%

Rates effective as of September 20, 2024, and may change after account opening without notice. 费用可能会减少收入.




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